DUB FX (Australia)

First time in Ostróda, an extraordinary artist who shakes dancefloors with own vision of bass music and fills heads with the lyrical flow that makes you aware who you are and what you are for.

Few artists embody the term “one-man show” better than Benjamin Stanford, aka Dub FX. For those not familiar with his work, Dub FX is a street performer, recording artist and producer famous for creating intricate and impressive tracks entirely on his own. Using various vocal methods and recording them into devices used for looping and effecting sound, Dub FX can manipulate his voice in incredible ways, creating a layered soundscape in front of the audience.

In 2006, as social media was on the rise, Dub FX packed his bags, jumped on a plane and left Melbourne to fulfil his dream of travelling Europe. For Dub FX, his musical talent and street performing was only ever intended as a means of income to fund the adventure. While most artists struggle to attain slick production finishes in a studio, Dub FX was building and layering exceptional musical tracks live and instantaneously. When people stopped to listen, Dub FX delivered meaningful, conscious messages in his singing and rhymes. He captivated his audience emotionally, and impressed them with his technical ability.

„I went from living in a van and driving to every show while street performing along the way to getting flown business class to some of the biggest festivals in the world”

Over the last thirteen years, Dub FX has released six records, sold over 150,000 albums, headlined major festivals, racked up over 200 million collective YouTube views, and built an imposing social media presence all without ever being played on commercial radio or TV.

„Roots” (2020), 5th album from Dub FX, was recorded and produced in his forest home studio in Melbourne. Going back to his “roots” Dub FX picked up the guitar and crafted the songs out meticulously before bringing in longtime musician friends to add the extra magic and soul to the recordings.

Each song on the album has a matching comic which combines to form a complete graphic novel.

Ostróda Reggae Festival, Red Stage, 10-07-2022



Dub FX – Fire Every Day [Live] feat. Gaudi, Woodnote & Andy Talkbox Mac https://youtu.be/f68LvCwAArY
Dub FX – So Are You https://youtu.be/Bd1CUTrcy5U
Dub FX – There With Me https://youtu.be/tBqWk9MioEw
Dub FX – Fake Paradise (Live Pripyat Edition) [Sounds of Chernobyl] https://youtu.be/xWVoILyKctU
Dub Fx & The Convoy Unlimited – Rising Up Live https://youtu.be/bItd7AFqq6g
Dub FX – Love Someone live https://youtu.be/UiInBOVHpO8
Dub FX – Flow feat. Mr Woodnote https://youtu.be/WhBoR_tgXCI